The Annexation of Hawaii

Lorrin Thurston

Lorrin Thurston was born in 1858, and was the grandson of a Protestant missionary. He was an attorney at training, and was labeled as a fierce debator. In 1887, he formed the Hawaiian League, and wrote the Bayonet Constitution that stripped King Kalakaua of most of his power. Thurston created the Commitee of Safety and blocked all of Liliuokalani's attempts to create cabinets. Liliuokalani pushed hard to create a new cabinet, but Thurston had a militia, cabinet, and many powerful friends on his side. Liliuokalani announced on January 16th, 1893, that she would not be creating a new cabinet. On January 17th 1893, the Annexationists including Thurston threatened Liliuokalani into surrender and 5 years later, Hawaii was annexed. 


The Bayonet Constitution

Sanford B. Dole called together a meeting of the Honolulu Rifles and the Reform Party of the Hawaiian Kingdom Walter M. Gibson, Peter Cushman Jones, Lorrin Thurston created a list of demands for the King. They all decided that a new constitution should be written. Over less then a week, the new constitution was drafted by many lawyers including Thurston, Dole, William AnselKinney, William Owen Smith, George Norton Wilcox , and Edward Griffin Hitchcock. Most of these people were part of the Hawaiian League. 
Kalakaua signed the document on July 6th, 1887, stripping the King of most of his personal authority, empowering the legislature and cabinet of the government. It was known as the Bayonet Constitution because of the use of threat and force to gain King Kalakaua's cooperation. During this time period, bayonets were often used.
The Bayonet Constitution stripped the power of King Kalakaua. It took away his right to act without the permission of the cabinet. His right to dismiss or choose cabinet members was turned over to the legislature. The Constitution also allowed American, Hawaiian, and European males to vote. Asians, who previously had the right to vote, were denied.